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100_1268: Lake Amatitlán. (Manti at the headwaters of the Sidon River)
100_1280: Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa – Stone carving. (Zarahemla) Stone carving of human sacrifice.
100_1292: Stela at Abaj Takalik – Date on left is in the Long Count or 5 June 126 AD and date on the right is or 23 August 83 AD. (Morazán or Moran)
P4210065: Tecun-Uman statue in Quetzaltenango. (Guatemalan national hero who’s legend appears to be based on Teancum’s triumph and demise. Even the name means “Lord of the Banners and Staffs” as in the “Title of Liberty”.)
100_1314: Utatlán/Qumarkah – The upper cave in the hill is the most sacred place in the Quiché world. (This is the original hill Cumorah.)
100_1320: Utatlán/Qumarkah – Only causeway to the top of the hill. All other sides are steep barancas. Pedro Alvarado became suspicious and would not enter. (This is the original hill Cumorah.)
100_1329: Iximché, Tecpán Guatemala – The capitol of the Cakchiquel Nation when Pedro Alvarado arrived. (No known ancient name.)
100_1339: Southeast of Lake Atitlán along the Madre Vieja River – A young girl weaving with a back-strap loom.
P4190014: On the road to El Baul -- These people know hard work. (Zarahemla)
100_1342: Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, El Baul – We might know this bearded gentleman. (Zarahemla) Note the Semite facial features.
100_1343: Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, El Baul – We might know this gentleman. (Zarahemla)
100_1344: Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, El Baul – We might know this gentleman. (Zarahemla)
100_1345: Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, El Baul – We might know this gentleman. (Zarahemla)
100_1349: Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, El Baul – A worshiping pose. (Zarahemla)
100_1370: Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa – Center head is bearded. (Zarahemla)
00_1391: National Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Guatemala City – Camelid figure probably a llama. (Cumom)
100_1393: N.M. of A. and A –Mammoth spare parts. (Elephants, Ether 9:19)
100_1401: Tikal Ruins, Guatemala.
100_1422: Tikal Ruins, Guatemala – Circular carvings are the symbol of the rain god. (This circular symbol is the name glyph for Nephi and has to do with the “origin of water”.)
100_1452: Tikal Ruins, Guatemala – Native group returning from burning offerings at their sacred temples as they have done for millennia.



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