Corrections and Additions

The research effort is continuing and with the additional work come additional discoveries. Some of these discoveries make corrections necessary and others just add insight and understanding. This section will include a brief tabular listing of the new findings since the text was published.

1. Third land of Nephi (Nephi-3). There is a third land of Nephi that includes the piedmont region between the Nahualate River on the east and the Samalá River on the west. It includes Mulek, Gid, Omner, Bountiful, Jashon, Joshua, David, Angola, Hill Shim, and Antum. It may include Nephihah, Fortress Lehi (Lehi-2), and Morianton, which are in the highlands.

2. Middoni was moved from Asunción Mita, Guatemala to the ruins at Ahuachapán, El Salvador.

3. The land, city, and place named Onidah and Onihah have been identified with the coastal department of Sonsonate, El Salvador.

4. The city of Zeezrom has been identified with the ruins named Utzumazate just eight miles northwest of Cuilapa, Guatemala.

5. The hill Antipas has been identified with the mountain of Apaneca and the ancient ruins of Santa Leticia, which are on the road between Nahuizalco and Ahuachapán, El Salvador.

6. Additional information was found clearly identifying Nahua as the representation of the name Nephi.

7. Additional information about Zoram indicates that his name meant “the one who knows how to engrave” and the glyph is the “leaf nose bat” which is known as the lu-Bat glyph in the literature. The name actually has Sumerian roots meaning to “write on clay tablets” and the name was used to the end of the Terminal Maya era.

8. It was learned that the Lenca (Lehi) people of the La Paz, Honduras region (Shilom) were bilingual when the Spaniards arrived – speaking both Lenca and Nahua. This region was the capitol of Honduras (Comayagua) until 1880.


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