Mormon Footprint in Mesoamerica, by Robert A. Pate, PhD.

Mormon Footprint in Mesoamerica, by Robert A. Pate, PhD.For a free copy in Adobe .pdf see below.

     "We know where Nineveh is.  We know where Jerusalem is.  But, you Mormons don’t know where any cities in the Book of Mormon are.”  That scathing rebuke hurt because it was true.  Lack of archaeological evidence has led some to relegate the Book of Mormon to just a book of “faith” rather than a book of history or geography.  The “faith” concepts could be written much more concisely -- so why all the 531 pages that were so difficult to write?

      It is real people, real history, and real experiences the Lord uses to talk to the reader.  The book is alive.  The Lord talks to your heart while you read it.  The true in heart cannot read it without knowing it is true.  If one reads the Book of Mormon and fails to know it is true, he brought too much “baggage” to the experience.  Baggage can be misinformation, prejudice, pride, or sin.  A tip to the unimpressed reader -- work with the Lord on your baggage.

      Real people in real history having real experiences leave real tracks – so where are they?  A lifetime of reading the Book of Mormon, a desire to know, and extensive research have led the author to find it all – virtually everything Mormon mentioned is in a very tight little region in southern Guatemala, western El Salvador, and a small part of Honduras.  The smallness has kept it hidden.  This book identifies the cities and lands in a very simple, brief, easily read format.  More of the technical data is found in the author’s previous three books.

      Each critic demands perfection in his very small area of expertise.  Such smallness limits vision and discovery.  While they have been fighting among themselves and against the world, virtually all the cities, lands, peoples, and bloodlines have been identified.

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