Mormon Names in Maya Stone, by Dr. Robert A. Pate

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      Since the initial publication of the Book of Mormon in 1830, Church members have speculated about the geographical locations of the cities mentioned and detractors have scoffed at the lack of correlation to known New World sites. From my childhood, I too have marveled at the book's names and places, and wondered where the events took place and why people have not been able to identify the critical cites of the 1,000-year history of the Nephites or the additional 1,600-year history of the Jaredites.

     The answer is very simple.  Most looked for a “Narrow Neck of Land” and then built their scenarios around it.  The author’s approach was to find the named cities and let them tell where the “narrow neck of land” was.  With the cities in place as identified by the ancients in “The Annals of The Cakchiquels” and “Title of the Lords of Totonicapán”, it became very apparent that the Samalá River on the South Coast of Guatemala was where the “sea divides the land” and the “narrow neck of land” was nothing more than a bridge across the river.  Initially it may have been a land bridge, but when Pedro de Alvarado arrived in 1524, it was nothing more than a wooden bridge.  The bridge was at fortress Mulek (the ruins of the fortress still remain).  To the Cakchiquel and Quiché natives, the place and bridge were called Mukulic-ya, or “covered water”.  The bridge was the “covered water”.

      The Book of Mormon is a true history of real people.  So where is the real hard evidence of their existence?  “Show me one Maya hieroglyphic inscription that testifies of these things.”  This challenge, expressed to the author by Diane E. Wirth, an excellent scholar and author on Book of Mormon evidences in Mesoamerica and the Middle East, shows the frustration typical of many in the field of Mormon antiquities research.  The parallels are legion, but the truly hard irrefutable evidence has remained unexposed. 

      Robert A. Pate, a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, with a career in “Rocket Science” has honed skills in “special investigations”.  The critical pieces have now been put together into irrefutable proof that the names and people in the Book of Mormon were very real.  The names of Mormon and Moroni have been found in lexicons of the ancient languages and in the carved stone of the Maya.  Lehi, Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Nephi, Jacob, Joseph, Ishmael, and Zoram have also been found in codices and stone.  Most of the writings available post-date the Book of Mormon, but the links to their ancestral dead are very clear.  Here is a chance to learn in an easy flowing proof.

      The author previously wrote “Mapping the Book of Mormon, A Comprehensive Geography of Nephite America”.  One reviewer wrote:This is a serious work not suited to casual reading.  I have given this book a five-star rating because it has left a greater impression on me than any recent book I have read concerning Book of Mormon places and events……..I was sorry to see this book end.  It was very educational.”  Marilynne W, New York, March 29, 2005.

      The discoveries were very exhilarating.  Come enjoy them.  Once you have walked the real lands that Mormon walked, you can not read the Book of Mormon with an air of detachment.  It all becomes very real.

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